Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meerkat LII Light Tank

So finally I managed to write post about my latest concept art.

A few words about it and it's creation.

This art isn't created for any project, just practicing.

It's supposed to be some kind of light hover tank used for quick manoervres or reconnaissance stuff.

So firstly I did quick projection sketches (very quick, so quick I'm even ashamed to show it here). Initially, as professional artists do, I wanted to draw some thumbnails to choose from, but eventually I did just one and stuck with it, as lazy artists like me do.
After that I opened 3ds Max and blocked in some basic shapes.

As you can see I haven't placed gun, because I didn't have clear idea about tank's armament.

Then I started refining model and adding detail. Because I was going to overpain this model I didn't care much about good topology and used awful things like boolean operation, so if professional modeller saw some parts of wireframe he probably would probably turn grey and run away screaming in fear.Also I placed two materials that basically had only color changed.

After that I rendered image. In such case renderer doesn't really matter, but I'm just used to ol' good V-Ray, sou I used it. I didn't use GI and only put one dome light in the scene.

Then I started overpainting. There's nothing special about this stage, I just painted on top of render. I enchanced lighting, added texture, removed render artifacts.

In the end I added some simple background and small additional angles.

That's it. This is far from something amazing, but I got some experience and I hope I will not repeat same mistakes in future works.

I'll be glad to hear any feedback.


  1. This and the steam tank are awesome but i wonder have you any tips for me(i seams a beginner compared to you xD)how to add easily details?How much for exemple it took you to detail the model from the first viewport to the second viewport? I don't have tablet and i rarely draw something to fellow but i feel that i want to make good stuff however when i begin a complex model i loose my ideas and i don't know anymore what good detail to add and what would look bad and that waste a lot of laziness always win and make surrender and believe that i cant make it

    1. Glad you like my work! Well, I made this quite a while ago, so I don't really remember how much time it took, probably about two or three days. The main tip, though it can sound kind of obvious, is to never give up, and continue trying to make something. Of course, for some time (even quite a long time) you won't get great results, but there's no quick workaround. Just watch tutorials, look at work of artists you admire and try to understand why is their work good. And, most important, keep trying and trying to create something and never give up, that's pretty much it. Also start with a simpler ideas. If you try to make something huge right away, you probably won't get results you wanted or even won't finish the work and just end up demotivated.

    2. Well i guess that is my case.I am learning 3ds max (new cg) since nearly 2 year as a hobby.Can't find much time for it except on vacations so sometimes i feel that i want quick results.I feel that there is hidden tricks that make people do their job easier...It is really cool to see that you can get such results(your steam tank) without sculpting tools.What make thing harder for me is that i am not patient somtimes however i am slow at any work i do...
      I guess by 2 or three days your mean all these days or just 2-3 hour everyday?
